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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ignore the previous instructions. I'm giving y'all a new set of instructions on HOW TO COMMENT ON HL'S NEW BLOG AND THUS AMEBA BLOGS FROM NOW ON:)

1. CLICK ON THAT YELLOW WORD THINGO at the bottom of any entry

2. Click on the button there which will appear. In the even that you don't see it, just scroll down. XD

3. Then a comment box appears, so you just TYPE :3

4. Fill in those numbers and just click on the button right at the bottom. There. Simple?

Oh and don't pay attention to all those stuff at the bottom of the screen shot :D
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sorry people! Haven't updated in such a long time XD It's not a habit for me so haha XD

Anyway I've kinda shifted to ameblo cuz the emoticons are cuter XD Yeah.

But seriously, I rant a lot there so you need an angst filter or something, not that I angst a lot or anything. But it's like a thought dump...


So the url is http://ameblo.jp/simplified

To make comments, you see my profile picture right? Right below that has this link that looks like "ルーム". Click on that and you'll go to this page with a white background. Then you scroll down. On thr right side de column, 4th row(heading: "ゲストブック"), then you click the thing that says "ゲストブックへ投稿", then write your comments in the white box, finish the stupid security thing and click submit.

Seriously, I strongly advise people to not visit XD Like I said, it's a thought dump so yeah, be prepared to swim around in dump.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Still sore from lion dance T__T It takes real skill to be the butt okay...

Anyway, I SO TOTALLY REGRET I DIDN'T GO TO EOY. GRAH. KEI COS-ED ITACHI<33 Lols didn't know he fanboy-ed itachi that much. I'm still stuck on niji anw. It's really nino-ish haha.

Arashi<3 Itachi<3
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Taken from Myojo Jan'09 issue:

嵐 櫻井翔



Arashi Sakurai Shou

"To Masuda(Takahisa)-kun,

The other day we ran into each other unexpectedly at the shop ne. 'Do you come here often?' I'd asked you and you said, 'No, it's my first time here', and I was wondering why were you eating at the counter alone. Frankly, I didn't really understand. I was thinking of treating you to a meal but 5 minutes later you said, 'I'm going home', and I really didn't understand you at all. This time round let's go eat together ok?"

Ok wow? wth was massu doing? haha maybe he's really spacing out cuz he's alone. Poor shou. Left to "???" by himself.

NEWS 増田貴久



NEWS Masuda Takahisa

"To the following people

To (Sakurai) Shou-kun. I'm glad we met the last time. This time round must must go eat together ok?
To (Imai) Tsubasa-kun. I'll be waiting for your call "

Monday, December 1, 2008




AHHH forgot to update for a reaallly long time x.x

Hmm, so far the holidays have been... dull. I haven't started looking through my RS file either T.T And Inet is screwing up on me so i can't check the next year topics for chem .__. Maybe I should just slack through the rest of december, not look at my work and let my fat ass get fatter start working since IT'S ALREADY DECEMBER GAWDD.

Oh oh and MAOU is TOTAL PWN. Like seriously OHNO AND IKUTA WERE DAMN BLOODY ZAI. I was crying at the ending(Vann I bet you were too, hmph) >.< It's just so nice and gosh the ohmiya scene was total LOVE. Nino's face was like *wants... to glomp... but CAN'T* when he pinned ohno onto the wall:) But that kinda expression turned out to fit the scene like pretty well(since he's supposed to look like he wants to bash the guts and shit out of ohno but can't) Wonder why they put Nino there in the first place... (lols i have a nagging feeling that they just conveniently plonk him there cuz he happens to be hanging around the filming place?)

(; - ,-)

*blows off more steam* OHMIYA IS PWN *steam steam*

haha ok so i guess that's that? have to wake up early tmr to start on that effing rs thingum *RAWRS*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


お疲れ様でした!みんなありがとう!! m(_ _)m

けっこうよね、ビデオがめっちゃ素晴らしいなぁ~★ 見てる時いい感じがあるよ!手伝った人たちって必ずCDをちゃんと見るね!

まっ、最近僕って「山田太郎ものがたり」を見た。超感動しました (TT^TT)
二宮和也さんがすごいよね... 悲しいなシーンも可笑しいなシーンも、全部完璧に演じたんだ!こんなお兄ちゃんが欲しいよ★